March 2023

1 Min read

20 million hours worked at the Constancia mining unit with no lost time injuries (LTI)

20 million hours worked at the Constancia mining unit with no lost time injuries (LTI)
20 million hours worked at the Constancia mining unit with no lost time injuries (LTI)


March 2023

1 Min read

20 million hours worked at the Constancia mining unit with no lost time injuries (LTI)

By following highly safe and preventive work practices and complying with strict occupational health and environmental policies, we have achieved an impressive 20 million man-hours worked without lost-time accidents at the Constancia Mining Unit, located in the province of Chumbivilcas, in southeastern Peru, at more than 4,100m above sea level.

We would like to sincerely thank our client, Hudbay Perú S.A.C., who’s high management team has placed it’s trust in us since 2012 and allowed us to perform various services, such as civil construction, execution of certain mining activities and tailings dam raise.

At STRACON, people are our priority, and this achievement is just an example of our rigorously planned and controlled work that results in the satisfaction of reaching this important milestone and motivates our teams to continue to maintain these high safety standards at all our operations.

This recognition granted by Hudbay allows us to reaffirm our commitment to the safety and health of all our workers and our clients, as well as to set ourselves new objectives and challenges to continue excelling at the way we work.